utorak, 1. siječnja 2013.

WELLS; Herbert George - "Rat svjetova"


No one would have believed, in the last years of the nineteenth century, that human affairs were being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own; that as men busied themselves about their affairs they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. .....
I - Uoči rata

Nitko ne bi vjerovao, u posljednjih godina devetnaestog stoljeća, da ljudski odnosi su se gledali oduševljeno i usko strane inteligentnih veći od čovjeka i još kao smrtnik kao svoje vlastite, da kao muškarci se zaposlio o svojim poslovima su pomno i studirao , možda gotovo kao usko kao čovjek s mikroskopom može razmatrati prijelaznu stvorenja koja roj i množite se u kapi vode. .....

..... With infinite complacency men went to and fro over this globe about their little affairs, serene in their assurance of their empire over matter. It is possible that the infusoria under the microscope do the same. No one gave a thought to the older worlds of space as sources of human danger, or thought of them only to dismiss the idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable. .....
..... S beskonačne samodopadnosti ljudi išli amo-tamo preko ovog svijeta o svojim malim poslovima, spokojan u svojoj sigurnosti svojeg carstva nad materije. Moguće je da infuzorije pod mikroskopom učiniti isto. Nitko dao misao starijim svjetovima prostora kao izvora ljudske opasnosti, ili misli o njima samo da odbaci ideju o životu na njih kao nemoguće ili nevjerojatno. .....

..... It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most, terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. .....
..... Zanimljivo je podsjetiti na neke od mentalnih navika tih preminulog dana. U većini, zemaljski ljudi pričini da bi moglo biti i drugih ljudi nakon Marsa, možda inferiorni na sebe i spreman dočekati misionar poduzeće. .....

..... Yet, across the gulf of space, minds that are to our minds as ours are to those of the beasts that perish, intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely drew their plans against us. And early in the twentieth century came the great disillusionment.
..... Ipak, u cijeloj zaljevu prostora, umovi koji su u naše umove kao naš su one zvijeri koje propadaju, umova velika i cool i neosjećajan, smatra ovu zemlju sa zavidnih očiju, i polako i sigurno izvukao svoje planove protiv nas. I rano u dvadesetom stoljeću došao veliki razočaranje.

The planet Mars, I scarcely need remind the reader, revolves about the sun at a mean distance of 140,000,000 miles, and the light and heat it receives from the sun is barely half of that received by this world. It must be, if the nebular hypothesis has any truth, older than our world, and long before this earth ceased to be molten life upon its surface must have begun its course. The fact that it is scarcely one-seventh of the volume of the earth must have accelerated its cooling to the temperature at which life could begin. It has air and water, and all that is necessary for the support of animated existence.

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